Boerboel Nutrition

We recommend feeding a Grain-free kibble or the RAW diet.

It is important to keep your boerboel puppy lean and on the right track. We are not opposed to raw feeding, however that is not something we have a bunch of knowledge on. It is important to pay attention to the Calcium, Phosphorous and Protein, with the Protein being lower on the priority list.

  • Calcium, approx 1.0­1.2%
  • Phosphorous, approx. 0.8­1.0%
  • Protein around 23%

RAW feeding benefits include:

  • raw bones naturally cleans teeth
  • no doggy odor
  • shinier coats
  • puppies grow at a slower rate avoiding growth spurts
  • mirrors what a dog would be getting in the wild
  • less stools produced
  • decreased vet bills-healthier dogs
  • less cost for dog food
  • the ripping and chewing involved in eating raw meaty bones develops the jaw, neck, and shoulder muscles of the dog
  • more milk production for lactating mothers
  • increased energy
  • quicker digestion
  • decreased chances of bloat
  • better weight control

Do NOT give cooked chicken bones ONLY RAW!!!

We recommend keeping in mind that not every food will work perfectly for your puppy. Protein, calcium and phosphorous levels in your dogs food are extremely important. You should not mix or switch foods frequently. Be sure to keep an eye out for any skin irritations as this could signify an allergy. Overfeeding will stimulate the growth hormones and this will likely lead to joint disease, whether they are pre-potent or not. Overfeeding does not affect the adult size of your puppy, as that is already genetically pre-programed. Puppies tend go through awkward growing phases and in maintaining a slim/lean body condition it will significantly reduce the risk of joint disease. Also, in doing so it will reduce the suffering of your pup, reduce vet bills for any treatment and pain relief, and will increase the amount of time your pup will continue to lead an active healthy life.

Raw Feed Links:

Transitioning your Boerboel Puppy to New Food

If you have a puppy that is under months of age, you should make the feeding transition quickly so as not to disrupt their growth patterns. This should be done in meals or less using a high quality line of food. I like the Nature’s Domain or Purina Pro Plan formula, both support growth very well.

Puppies: Start with 50% old food and 50% new food and sprinkle your Probiotics on top of the food to smooth transition. The Probiotics can be NuVet Plus wafers. And make the transition over by the third or fourth meal.

Adults: start with 25% new and 75% old food and use probiotics but take 2-3 days to move over to new food totally.

Feeding Your Boerboel Puppy 

Consistency is the key. Feed your puppy the same food at the same time every day. Puppies should be fed 3-4 times a day on a strict set schedule.

Don’t overfeed your puppy. Growing too rabidly can causa hip, joint problems.

Appetite changes. The first few days home the stress of a new environment and everything and everyone they’ve ever known can sometimes cause low appetite and even loose stools in some puppies. Do not worry too much just continue your feeding routine and pull up leftovers after 15-20 mins and try again their next scheduled mealtime. If the upset becomes severe, like they won’t eat at all and its lasting for more than a day, and/or they also have loose stools, contact your vet! Puppies should be drinking even when stressed.

Amount to Feed your Boerboel Puppy

This chart is base the assumption that a dog may be crated or less active during the day while the owner is at work. Use this guideline to help prevent growth diseases in puppies (HOD). The most sensitive time for growth problems is from 2 months – 6 months of age, with the most common being 11-16 weeks of age.

On the chart below, start with the low-end amounts (females) and on males use the mid-range amounts. They should not be fed at the high-end amount until they are in the at least 1/2 way through the month. Example: If your female puppy is 10 weeks old she would be on 3 cups a day of kibble divided into 2 feedings. 

  1. Start females on the low-end amounts on chart and males on the mid-range amounts. 
  2. They should not be at the high amount until they are in the at least 1/2 way through to being another month older.

Example: a 17-week-old female Boerboel should be eating approximately 4 cups a day divided into two meals – maximum 5 cups a day divided. A Boerboel male at 17 weeks should be eating 5 cups a day divided, maximum 6 cups a day divided. 

  • 2 months or 8 weeks = 2-4 cups per day – (divided into 3 meals daily)
  • 3 months or 12 weeks = 3-5 cups per day – (divided into 2 meals daily)
  • 4 months or 16 weeks = 4-6 cups per day – (divided into 2 meals daily)
  • 5 months or 20 weeks = 5-7 cups per day – (divided into 2 meals daily
  • 6 months or 24 weeks = 6-8 cups per day – (divided into 2 meals daily)
  • 7 months 6-9 cups per day – (divided into 2 meals daily)
  • 8 months 6-9 cups per day – (divided into 2 meals daily)
  • 9 months 7-10 cups per day- (divided into 2 meals daily)
  • 10-12 months….7-10 cups per day – (divided into 2 meals daily)
  • 12-8 months MALES – 8-10 cups a day – (divided into 2 meals daily)
  • 12-8-month FEMALES -6-9 cups a day – (divided into 2 meals daily)

This is a general guideline so they do not consume too many calories before 6 months of age, disrupting their growth patterns causing accelerated growth and potential bone problems (click link for more information).

Keep the puppy lean, but not skinny. A dog with a smooth coat, you want to just barely see the last rib if the dog is standing. That is the perfect weight for growth. If pup is too lean, feed 1/2- 1 cup more per day. You have plenty of time to get muscle on them as they mature – show people are the worst at wanting them heavy to get them in the show ring. Just relax, you can’t force an acorn to become and Oak tree overnight.

NOTE: If your puppy seems absolutely starved on these amounts you can add a little more food as long as their legs don’t start to turn left/right or bow out… or you can add a homemade veggie soup component to the diet and it will not add too many calories. 

Very Veggie Soup

2 large cans of chicken or beef broth – (low sodium or homemade) – NO MEAT – Add LOTS of veggies – carrots, green beans, wax beans, zucchini, squash, tomatoes, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and couple cloves of garlic. The idea is to use this as the filler, so you want it to be hearty and filling.